
Starting the year on the right foot: top technical developments from MetadataWorks

Written by Adam | Jan 30, 2025 6:10:09 PM

As ever, this month our team of developers is working hard to make our tools the very best they can be to help you get the most out of your data. Throughout January, as we planned our calendar for the year ahead, we couldn’t help but look back on some of the major technical updates of 2024 which add value and make data users’ lives easier.

Last year we;

  1. Significantly Improved our User Interface

We've simplified our browser look and feel with a new streamlined design to help you find exactly what you need, fast. Improvements have been made to the data dictionary and glossary view to ensure navigation is intuitive and seamless. We’re confident our UI is the best on the market.

  1. Enhanced Search

We've introduced a number of new features to ensure that intuitive approach carries through to our search functions including:

  • search results sorting (Relevance, A-Z, Newest-Oldest)
  • searchable filters
  • improved search weighting to favour key metadata fields
  • improved display of data classes / data elements
  1. Upgraded User Management:

We’ve enhanced our user management system with the following features to help keep you on track. These include:

  • new simplified roles
  • an improved user management page
  • new options to export user data (including CSV, Excel and PDF)
  • publication notifications: subscribed members of a user group can now receive an email notification when a dataset is published within their user group
  1. Increased Import options:

We know that adding import options improves your chances of keeping your data up to date and encouraging users. We've added multiple new ways to import data into the catalogue including: 

  • configuring and scheduling periodic imports from external databases
  • importing value sets from existing terminologies to build standardised data types
  • deleting and replacing existing structural metadata
  1. Created the Assurance Portal

The Assurance Portal allows organisations to supply evidence of their conformance to a specific data standard as an assurance record. The submitted assurance record can then be assessed by an internal team who review the evidence provided by the organisation and decide whether the evidence submitted is sufficient.

We’re proud of all of these improvements and look forward to rolling out even more through out 2025. If you have a feature you’d like us to work on, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Account Manager.